
180212_私の雪あかり(第12回レポ)_My snow lantern fes (about 12th gardeN)

Japanese below

Hello everyone!
This blog is about 12th gardeN on 12th of February.

It was sad but because of bad weather, many members couldn't come to Yumoto.

We started gardeN with warming up as usual but a different point was that this time a member who goes to high school took a leadership of warming up.
He planned "English Shiritori" and we did it.
The theme was Nishiwaga and it was a little bit difficult but we could enjoy the warming up.

After that we talked about "Yukiakari" (snow lantern) which was held on the day before gardeN.

each story composes Yukiakari

There were interesting stories as much as members.

A member
who joined skiing with torches
who unluckily had a lot of trouble in one day
who played with her friend from Gunma
who took part in many parts of Yukiakari
who happily got 25 rice cakes

The day of Yukiakari is said that the most energetic day of a year in Nishiwaga.
I felt that every story of each person makes the day..

The next gardeN will be held on 19th at Yumoto community center:)
See you again!












☆English Shiritori about Nishiwaga was interesting and I enjoyed talking about my Yukiakari in English.


★This time we talked about "my Yukiakari". Everyone seemed to enjoy making or watching Yukiakari. We can always exchange various opinions and talk about Nishiwaga. I want to talk with more people at gardeN.


文責:早川大輝/Daiki Hayakawa


180206_雪と私。(第11回レポ)_Snow and Me (11th gardeN)

Japanese below (Let's read English first)

I will share the 11th gardeN with you on this post!

We did two activities as warming up
Turn around
Make a Circle

Almost all got used to "Turn around" and they seemed less confused than before.
I have to change how to do it.. make it more difficult.

After those warming up, we did "Tell us your story with snow!"

Needless to say, but here Nishiwaga is one of the most famous areas for snow in Japan. So I believed they must have interesting stories of their own with snow and wanted to listen to. That's why I chose this theme.

It was totally broken by snow removal car.. /数時間後、除雪車の餌食に(笑)

"When I was an elementary school student, I made a snowgirl for my friend as his young sister because he had only brother."
"A few years ago, I fell from the top of a roof when I removed snow but snow on the ground was really soft, so I didn't injure myself."
"I was going to make a snow statue like a dog with my friend but it looked strange, so finally we made a snow statue like a turtle."
"It was fun for me to jump during skiing."
"For me, it was a picnic on a grassland covered with snow. It was good to eat hot noodle there. I'd like to continue this event as much as I can."

As I expected, there were lots of interesting stories.

Of course the stories were interesting but more than this, I got really happy because they tried hard to look up English phrases they used before from previous handouts by themselves. The stance that they positively try to get something by themselves. It is exactly the stance which we gardeN think important.

Next Monday is a holiday but members said "I want to come next week!", so we will hold gardeN with our pleasure! 12th of February, 1830-2000, at Yumoto community center! Why don't you join us??



Turn around
Make a Circle (Line upの円verですっ!)

皆、Turn around にはだいぶ慣れてきて、複雑になっても徐々に困惑しなくなってきててびっくり。またやり方変えないとですね!!^^







☆The theme was interesting for me. And I was glad because I got able to express my feeling in English more fluently than before!


★It was fun because I could feel that my speaking skill has gradually improved!


☆It was nice for me because this time I used some past tense words that I've never learned at school.


文責:早川大輝/Daiki Hayakawa