中学~高校と1番嫌いな教科は英語!しかし、初めての海外旅行への夢もフツフツと湧き上がってくる中、西和賀町地域おこし協力隊Daiki君のフェイスブック投稿を見て参加させていただきました!特に詳しく内容も見ないで、直感的に「参加します!」と言ってみたものの、"All English"という説明文を見て一瞬たじろぐ自分(いやかなり躊躇した)。しかし、gardeNのブログに書いてあった発起人自らの苦悩と努力の成果を見て心が動かされ参加してみることにしました。
大雪の後の冷えた夜、湯本公民館には座布団が10枚くらいひかれており、思いのほか参加者が多いことに驚きました。高校生やお子さん連れのお母さん、良く知った顔の公務員がいれば初めて会う人もいて、それだけで新鮮でした。いざ始まってみると、All Englishということもなく、参加者のレベルに合わせてやってくれるとの説明を聞きホッとする自分。グループを2つに分け(All Englishグループと日本語も交えてのグループ)、参加者のレベルに合わせてやってもらえ、90分はあっという間で、非常に充実した楽しい時間を過ごすことができました。
実はこの方の感想にもある通り、最初はAll Englishでやろうと思っていたんです。しかし、準備をしていた時に「せっかっくやるなら参加者全員が満足の方がイイな。そのためにはAll Englishではないな。」という気持ちになりまして、
Hello everyone! How are you going?!
One of our members also gave us his comment for 2nd "gardeN", so today we wanna introduce it through this post.
I had hated English the most of all subjects while I was a teenager. However, this time I decided to join "gardeN". The reason why I did was I'd wanted to go abroad for the first time in my life! Actually I said, "I'll join!" without any consideration when I saw a Facebook post of "gardeN", but after I said that, I got a little bit (no... really) scared because there was a phrase "All English" in the post. However a blog post about a promoter's agony changed my mind to want to try to speak English and I finally decided to join.
It was heavy snowfall outside but there were more than 10 cushions in Yumoto community center and I was really surprised because there were more participants than I'd thought. It was a fresh situation for me because there were various members for example, high school students, mothers with children, a public employee I already know, a person I had never met before.
Actually the program was not held in "All English" and I became free from anxiety. We chose one team which we wanted to join by ourselves and I chose Ana team in which we did activities both in English and Japanese and could spend pretty good time though it was about 90 minutes.
The promoter said to us in the beginning, "As for improvement of your English skill, please compare with just your past, not with others!!" As same as this, I could feel a sense of accomplishment!!
I believe that even if you wonder that you are not good at English..., you can absolutely enjoy your time in "gardeN" because I could! So I want you to join us and try to talk in English with us!!
This comment is really energetic from a man who have a plan ti go abroad next spring!
As he said in his comment, we had thought we would hold "gardeN" in All English at first. However when we prepared, we changed our mind that it could be better if everyone can feel satisfied and the best way for this would not do in All English. So we held "gardeN" in this way that we explained in English and got high school students to translate our English into Japanese.
We would like to change how to hold "gardeN" as flexibly as possible from now on as before. Many kinds of people have also said they can join next "gardeN", so we're also looking forward to next one!
文責:早川大輝/Daiki Hayakawa
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